Friday, April 10, 2009

It's wise to be patient, will it ever happen?

Sorry for the pun, but as I said before, Dewayne wise said himself he needs to be more patient at the plate, and even though we're only 3 games into the season, he needs to follow through.  Wise started as the leadoff but it didn't last long. Actually, only 8 at-bats. After a second 0-4 night, Wise was pushed down to the 8th spot. Even though they lost on Wednesday, Wise redeemed himself a little defensively. However he was still booed as we went up to the plate which was kind of unexpected in my opinion. Here come the bipolar Sox fans.

Yup, my brother is one of them. Loves the Sox when they play well, hate 'em when they're in a slump. A nicer way to put it would be fair weather fans, if you will. Just wait, once the Sox learn how to use their bats and Ozzie learns to use Jenks for only save situations, everything will be peachy keen. You think Ozzie would know by now that Jenks always gives up base-hits and home-runs in  non-save situations. It's been how many seasons? 

Anyway, in no means is Wise the only one who needs to step up his offense. The whole team started off slow. If it wasn't for Fields' bunt and Thome's home-run we more than likely would have lost the opener. But that's how the Sox play, they wait until the last minute when you've given up and (well, not so much now) occasionally come back.  Hopefully they'll step up their game soon, they had all of spring training to screw up (which they did). If not, it's going to be a loooong season. 

1 comment:

  1. The reason Jenks was pitching the 9th inning of that game was that he needed the work. I agree with you on the whole closers are bad in the 9th inning of non-save situations stance, but realistically, how affective will Jenks be in save situations if he goes a week without pitching in a game?

    As for Wise, I actually like him and what he can bring. Putting him @ leadoff was foolish though because he has little career experience there and doesn't have the acumen to even be adequete there. Getz is the guy because he makes pitchers work and has speed.

    Still a long season ...
