Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Take A Deep Breath...And Exhale..Now Was That Worth It?

Everyone is all hyped up about Michael Phelps being caught smoking weed. Okay it is a big deal, but then again I think the media is exaggerating a bit. We talked about this issue in one of my other classes and some people brought up that he's 23, he's going to have fun, and everyone does something stupid once in awhile. Ok, point taken, but if you're in the public eye like Michael Phelps is, you shouldn't be stupid enough to let people take pictures of you. 

I honestly think people are taking this way out of hand. An article from called 'Phelps, an American bong story,' had some good points. The writer, James F. Cooper II focused on the fact that a lot of people in the public eye have admitted to smoking weed. People such as President Obama, Whoopi Goldberg, and everyone knows, Snoop Dog. I just think athletes take it a little harder and seeing as though we have proof, people are going to freak out. I've heard stories of people saying he should get his medals taken away, and that he could face criminal charges in South Carolina. The criminal charges I can kind of understand considering they have proof, but seriously? The medal thing is just ridiculous especially since he was clean while he competed, which is why they're not going to take anything away. 

At least the late night comics are having fun with it. Last night David Letterman had the Top Ten Michael Phelps Excuses (along with Rod Blagojevich but that's a whole other story).  But seriously, can we all move on now? Give it a week, someone else will be caught doing something stupid soon. 

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